As the COVID pandemic/epidemic continues to affect our lives we can begin to feel a bit like the prophet Joel who served the Lord during the reign of young King Joash and recounts the apparent never-ending scourge on the land of Judah of various types of locusts and the devastation that they caused. 

We, as elders, are trying to navigate a safe passage through this unprecedented COVID minefield, trying to act responsibly toward God, and trying to act in a way which will keep everyone as safe as possible while maintaining a faithful, albeit limited, testimony for God. Everyone, of course, has a part to play in this endeavour; with daily personal witness to friends, neighbours, colleagues, etc., and by recognising, and reaching out to those in need. 

As earlier in this pandemic, we have taken a cautious approach, which has kept everyone safe, and has had compensation in the range, quality, and variety of Bible teaching we have all enjoyed while being confined to our homes. 

Fellowship does necessitate our meeting together, and we, while watching closely the impact of the current Omicron virus both in terms of numbers infected, and the severity of the infections, aim to cautiously increase the number of times we meet in the Hall. 

With the above in mind, and recognising that it takes time to co-ordinate speakers etc., we plan to resume all meetings in the Hall from Sunday 6th February. The Saturday night Ministry Meeting with Gareth Edwards on 12th February has been arranged to be held on Zoom which we will maintain. 

The ‘One Way’ system currently in operation at the Hall will be cancelled. However, we would still expect all attendees on a Sunday to have ‘examined themselves’ both physically, with a Lateral Flow test, as well as spiritually with the Word of God, before coming to the gatherings. The thermometer will not be used at entry on Sundays, but will still be used on Tuesday evenings rather than another lateral flow test. 

The planned Fellowship meeting will be cancelled until it is felt that it is safe to conduct it in the Hall. There will, however, be a financial statement sent out to all who are in fellowship. We will look for a suitable date later in February when we can reconvene this meeting. 

The Conference (12th March) will be held at the Bridge of Don Conference Centre with Jack Hay and Douglas Mowat the expected speakers. There will be the usual catering between the afternoon and evening sessions, but no meal after the Conference. It is expected that Jack Hay will continue with us in the Hall from Sunday through Thursday the week after the Conference. This is subject to COVID numbers and government legislation. 

Joel reminds the people, and I would remind us all, that “Thus you will know that I am in the midst … and that I am the Lord your God and there is no other; and My people will never be put to shame.” 

We need to be reminded that we were bought with a great price and will be preserved no matter what befalls. God is aware and in overall control, and those who are faithful to Him will never be put to shame! We would like to thank you for upholding us, the elders, in your prayers during these difficult days.